How much new content will there be?
Some! The original goal was a straight-up reprint, but then I started thinking about ways to make it a little more of a collector’s type treasure that included as much BitF stuff as possible. Not counting any stretch goals, the new content will likely add up to around 30 - 40 pages or so. Including the new stretch goals, we’re looking at roughly double that!
Last updated: February 04, 2025 12:21
Is anything going to be cut or altered from the original print?
As Hayao Miyazaki once famously etched into a katana, “No cuts”! No changes, no alterations. Everything is here exactly as you remember it.
And admittedly, as anyone who’s printing out work from 16 years ago can attest to, some of these strips land better than others. I’m proud of this collective work but not every comic. Even so, cutting or altering my less-favorite entries would be a real disservice to all the fans who want the full collection. It’ll all be here!
…Okay, if I catch some obvious typo or something in the book’s text, or copyright dates etc, I might tweak that. And functional stuff like the Table of Contents’ page numbers of course. But I won’t be messing with the art.
Last updated: December 12, 2024 19:43
Is this cool from a legal standpoint?
As always, yep! Brawl in the Family is a parody work not associated with Nintendo or any other game company (except for my own game company, BitFinity)! I even had a NOA employee order the last BitF collection, which was flattering. Derivative works are cool with them as long as they can’t be confused with official products. I do not own these characters except my boys Eario and Dededoo.
Last updated: December 12, 2024 19:43
What if I want a different combination of rewards than what's here?
Let me know via Kickstarter message! I’m sure we can work something out. Remember that if you want a signed book, just choose it as an Add-On after picking your reward tier. If you’re getting multiple books, I’ll sign all of them for the price of one.
Last updated: November 15, 2024 12:37
International shipping is pricey!
Not a question, but I agree! In the past I hadn’t been as diligent at getting good estimates and paid dearly for it, literally. So this time the shipping prices accurately reflect what the postage + supplies will cost. It’s crazy how much it all is, but I thought it’d be better to offer the option this time around for our international friends than have it not be available at all.
Last updated: December 13, 2024 04:53
What are the dimensions of the Ultimate Edition book?
The thickness is going to be dependent on the number of pages, but I can get a decent estimate at this point. The dimensions of the book will likely be around 10” x 12” x 2.5”, or 25 cm x 30 cm x 6 cm. It will likely weigh between 6 and 7 pounds (2.7 to 3.2 kg). Again though, these numbers are estimates and not 100% final.
Last updated: January 08, 2025 12:14
Current Estimated Lock Order Date: September 2025
Current Estimated Shipping Date: November 2025
The TOO BAD. WALUIGI TIME and GAMEMASTER CLASSIFIED Digital Books (PDFs) will be sent out in February 2025. The physical rewards as well as the Brawl in the Family Ultimate Edition Digital Book (PDF) will be sent out in November.
Last Updated At: 02/04/25What is BackerKit?
BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!
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How does BackerKit work?
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I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?
As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.